Wednesday, August 09, 2017

QAF #45 - Second Quarter Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ended 30 June 2017

(click on image for the results announcement...)

Hoosier's note: As expected, QAF is to list its Primary Production Business, in Australia, on the Australian Stock Exchange (read Note 10 of the 2Q2017 results annoncement).

...The Proposed Listing will not result in Rivalea ceasing to be a subsidiary. Upon the Proposed Listing, it is expected that the Company will receive A$52 million arising from the repayment of a shareholder’s loan.

It appears to me that, upon the successful listing on the Australian Stock Exchange, shareholders of QAF will not be distributed with the shares of the listed company.

I posted about QAF's Primary Production Business on April 5, 2015.